Femdom Hypnosis Erotic Story – Brian Pays To Be Hypnotised

This story is partially inspired by a stage hypnosis show I saw once. I do wonder how many of the participants walked away with a hypno-kink.

Enjoy x x x

As he approached the normal looking door, on a normal looking row of terraced houses, Brian wondered if he’d ever been so nervous in his life.

He spotted number 25 easily, and slowed down as he approached. This was going to be his first experience with a dominant woman. He’d never even slept with an escort before. And now here he was.

His heart was nearly beating out of his chest. A dog barked from a house a few doors down, and it made Brian jump with the feeling that he was doing something very wrong.

Was he doing something wrong?

He wanted to explore a kink. Nothing more. This was normal. It was normal to have kinks, and it was normal to want to explore them.

He pushed the doorbell, checking his smart watch while knowing he was precisely on time.

Did the neighbours know what went on behind this door? How many other people had been stood here, nervous as hell before meeting Madame Freya? Brian fought a strong urge to check for video cameras and curious neighbours who might be watching him.

The door opened and a blonde and beautiful woman with the most intense grey eyes looked him up and down. Finally, she smiled.

“How was your journey?”

“Easy enough, I’m parked around the corner, is that okay?”

“That’s fine. Come in.”

She welcomed him in. The house smelt like incense and was thoughtfully decorated with art, potted plants and mood lighting. He felt relaxed a little, despite his heart rate remaining extremely high. Freya was more beautiful in real life than her pictures had let on, and he hadn’t considered that might be the case or how that might make him feel.

She walked into the sitting room and invited Brian to sit. Freya paused a while before speaking, allowing the tension between them to grow.

“So. Hypnosis. Tell me why you want to be hypnotised?”

“Uh, Did you ever go to university?” He started, and then paused. When a response didn’t come, he continued.

“I was part of a stage hypnosis show during freshers’ week. And I wanted to be hypnotised again. Because I liked how it felt.”

Freya leaned forward, her eyes assessing her client.

“How long ago was that?”

“8 years ago last month.”

“And you haven’t been hypnotised since?”


“Why such a long gap, between the first time, and now?”

Brian blushed.

“I don’t know.”

Freya sighed, a small smile on her lips.

“It helps me understand you better if you can be honest with me. I know that might feel vulnerable. But it’ll mean you’ll have a better experience. It was a stage hypnosis show. So there was an audience, right?”

“Yeah, nearly everyone who started at the university that year.”

“And you went up on stage, right?”

“Yup. I thought it would be funny. I didn’t think anything bad would come of it, I’d had a few beers and my friends dared me.”

Freya looked thoughtful.

“I’ve seen stage shows like this. They can get really out of control sometimes. How extreme was it?”

She gently extended her hand, running it over Brian’s knee and making his skin prickle. She was so beautiful, in a way that was almost ethereal, like she was already knowing and understanding his innermost thoughts.

“I came. On stage, completely hypnotised. In front of everyone. While they laughed at me.”

“Wow. Tell me more.” Her voice sounded far away like she was imagining it, and the idea was turning her on.

“The hypnotist put the idea in my head that the chair was sexy, a really sexy woman. My dream date. And I was eighteen and far too horny and the idea felt so right. The next instruction was to dry hump the chairs on stage. At this point, there were three of us doing it. The audience were laughing so hard. I don’t know if anyone noticed I came in my trousers.”

Freya stroked her hand down Brian’s thigh, softly increasing the tension between them.

“And that was good for you?”

“It was the best orgasm of my life.” He replied “But it ruined my time at university. It was impossible for me to socialise after that. I was the guy who humped a chair. You can’t really get away from that.”

“I expect it was good for your studies, to not be able to socialise.” Freya smiled.

“I graduated with first class honours. And a kink I’ve never been able to shake.”

Freya ran her fingers over the growing bulge in Brian’s trousers.

“If you were able to go into a trance on stage so easily, you must be very suggestable.”

“I think so.” Brian suddenly realised how relaxed he was, and how he felt like he was already some of the way into a hypnotic trance. His cock was throbbing hard as Freya stroked it rhythmically up and down.

“Then we’re going to get started right away. You’ve probably noticed how relaxed you are. Keep focused on the sound of my voice. I’m going to take you deep in to hypnosis. Relax.”

The way Freya said relax had an immediate effect, and Brian felt his mind fall deliciously in to a more focused and relaxed state.

“Good boy. You’re doing really well. I’m going to count backwards from three, and then you’re going to be back in the place you want to be. Completely safe, completely under my control. 3, 2, 1.”

Brian felt the shift immediately, his head fell to the left as he let it happen. Perfect hypnotic surrender to this gorgeous woman. His mind felt empty, and peaceful for the first time in years.

“In a minute Brian, you’re going to want to take your clothes off. Your clothes are so heavy and so warm. I think it’s so much nicer to be naked, isn’t it? When I say the word “strip” you’re going to take every piece of your clothing off so you can enjoy the feeling of your bare skin. But you’re not going to do it yet. You are going to be good, and you’re going to wait.”

Freya paused, and Brian listened to the sound of his breathing. After a while, Freya continued.

“I want you to take yourself back to the stage hypnosis show, and feel all those eyes on you. Feel your back on the chair. The taste of the beer in your mouth.”

The effect was immediate. In his minds eye, Brian was completely back there, his new friends in the audience along with dozens of strangers. All of them cheering for him and laughing at the same time. In some strange way, Brian knew what was coming and yet, his mind refused to see it for what it was. It was all so good, so horny to have no control at all.

Freya’s command hit his whole body.


Standing up in Freya’s living room, Brian removed his clothes faster than he’d managed in his whole life. His body was so sure. There was a command, and he was going to fulfil it.

In his minds eye, the audience were squealing and laughing as his hard cock and pale skin were exposed bit by bit.

“Sit down.” Another command and his body dropped down like a stone on to the chair.

“Spread your legs open.” His thighs opened, showing his balls and the full shaft of his cock to the audience.

“I want to make sure that this time, everyone knows that this made you cum.”

Brian whimpered at Freya’s voice as her hand gripped his cock, pumping up and down. The absolute pleasure in his body was insane as Brian’s hypnotised mind visualised the shock of the audience seeing his hard cock.

A few were still laughing drunkenly, others were yelling their disgust as this blonde dominant hypnotist worked his cock with her hands.

“This is going to be the best orgasm of your life so you’d better make sure my audience knows about it.”

That was all it took. Brian came, crying out with pleasure and total loss of control. Knowing he was being seen by hundreds of people, completely humiliated, and used for entertainment.

He fell backwards immediately after, already drifting out of the vision.

“That was really, really good. Well done. Allow yourself to breathe now, and enjoy how good it feels.”

Brian was vaguely aware of Freya leaving the room, but it didn’t matter. He was experiencing pure, raw post orgasmic bliss and he wanted to enjoy every second of it.

Before long, she was back by his side.

“You’re going to come back for me now. Slowly, you can start to wake your body up and come back to me.”

Brian slowly opened his eyes to see Freya looking at him and he felt a rush of pure love. She really was incredible.

“Would you like some Orange Juice?” She asked, offering him a carton. “It can help to reground you, to have a drink of fruit juice.”

Brian nodded and drank it down eagerly.

“Good?” She asked.

Brian had no idea how to explain how good, and so he settled for just nodding again, and hoping that she just understood somehow exactly what she’d made him experience and how good it was. How deep was this rabbit hole?

Freya smiled, like she was reading his thoughts.

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