How I Pegged My Step Son For The First Time

Although I’m English, it’s Mother’s Day in America today. So of course, I had to celebrate by creating a little taboo scenario for everyone.

Everyone in this scenario is over the age of eighteen. This is a work of fiction.

The audiobook is at the bottom of the page, if you prefer listening over reading.

Enjoy my lovely perverts xxxx

It was a Sunday afternoon when I took my Step Son’s ass for the first time.

His Dad was out, and I had assumed his son Max was with him when he left. But when I let myself in to the bathroom and heard a shriek of horror, I realised I wasn’t home alone.

My stepson is bent over, completely naked. A suction cup dildo is stuck on the one of the smooth walls, bouncing up and down. An open bottle of lube sits on the floor. His hands cup his junk, trying to hide himself. He blushes scarlet, from his face all the way down his shoulders.

“Oh my God! Get out!” Max yells in surprise.

“Why? What are you even doing with the dildo stuck on the wall like that? There’s no way it’ll go up your ass at that angle. And it’s far too low. What the hell Max?”

I grin at how ridiculous it looks.

“Why wouldn’t you stick your dildo to the floor and fuck it like that?”

Max blushes even brighter.

“It’s not like I do this all the time!”

“Have you even done this once before?”

I know him well enough to know his silence is a no.

“Okay. I’ll show you how to do it. Come with me.”

I half wondered if he would turn me down and say no. But when I turned and looked over my shoulder, Max was following me to my bedroom, carrying his clothes in front of him. I let us both in and turned the key in the door.

“Lesson one. Always lock the door. Now, get on the bed.”

He did exactly as he was told with no hesitation. His tight body and pale skin lay exposed on the bed. A wave of desire hit me, he was so much younger than me and so inexperienced. I sat down next to him, and stroked his back gently, and let my fingers brush over his slick asshole. He was smart enough to have used lube at least.

“Have you ever used a toy or anything on yourself before?”


“You decided to take a full dildo up the ass before even trying a butt plug? That’s not a great idea…”

I was expecting some pushback for that, Max doesn’t enjoy being mothered. But to my surprise he whimpers and lets my fingers continue to stroke him up and down. I push my fingers into his asshole, feeling how tight and warm he is. He immediately pushes back on to them, wanting the feeling of being full.

“You’re so tight… Don’t push back like that. Let me loosen your asshole up.” I was lost in the motion of pushing my fingers in and out of his body. I unclipped the bottle of lube and added some more, continuing to work my fingers inside him. He relaxes slowly as I work, getting used to the sensation.

Max wriggles his hips backwards and forwards, enjoying the feeling of being penetrated.

A wave of guilt suddenly hits me. Am I really doing this? Playing with my husband’s son on the bed he shares with his wife?

I suspected that he’d been cheating on me for a few months now, but even so, this was so wrong. I pushed the thought out of my mind. What he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.

“Are you ready for something a bit bigger?” I ask my step son.

He nodded into the duvet. I picked up the plastic cock he’d been using in the shower room by it’s suction cup base. No. Too big, too rubbery, too floppy. It wasn’t the right toy.

“Would you like me to fuck you?” I asked “It’ll feel really good, and I promise to go slowly.” My fingers still hadn’t left his asshole. “I’ve got a strap on, it’s such a good size for you… I really want to fuck you Max.”

He moans again, nodding, pushing his asshole back on to my fingers again like a complete slut. My pussy clenches with how hot it is to see him like this.

“You want your step Mommy to fuck your ass?”

It’s out of my mouth before I can say it. Surely there must be a limit, a point where he stops being so slutty and submissive. The idea of someone he grew up with doing something so dirty, that has to be over the line.

But it’s not. After a second, he nods his head. I reach underneath him to hold his hard cock. He’s leaking precum and thrusts into my hand as soon as I touch him.

“I had no idea you were this horny. So needy… Is this why you’ve been so angry and difficult the last month? I bet it is. You need this. I’m going to fuck you so nicely and I’m going to make you cum. Would you like that?”

“Yes.” He replies, almost moaning it out.

“Would you like to call me Mommy while I fuck you?” Does he really want to go this far?

“Yes Mommy.”

I reach into the draw to get the strap on ready. It’ll need a lot of lube, but I’m going to go slowly.

“It needs to be really lubed up. It’s not very big but it might feel big at first. And it’s smooth, and firm. It’ll be so much better than what you bought.”

I push his legs so I have a good angle and position the head of the strap on in the centre of his slicked up entrance. I put my hands on either side of his hips.

“Are you ready? You’re not going to forget your first time. Are you sure you want this? From me?”

“Yes Mommy”

I slowly ease my hips forward and pull his body backwards towards me. I watch as his asshole is pushed open to accept the hard plastic. Once again, Max begins pushing backwards.

“No. Hold still and let me fuck you.”

I hold his hips and continue slowly pushing the length inside his body. Max moans as his ass presses into me, completely full of the whole length.

“You like being fucked like this? You’re so submissive, we haven’t kissed and you haven’t even see me naked and you’re letting me peg you with my strap on.”

I start to grind my hips slowly into him, working the toy in and out of his asshole.

“It’s okay. Relax. I know it feels strange at first to be fucked. But I think you like it. Don’t you?”

My hands reach around to find his heavy cock. I feel his smooth balls are tight and I run my fingers over them.

“Don’t cum too quickly, okay?”

“I won’t Mommy.”

“Good boy.” I begin to thrust into him more firmly, pushing the strap on deep each time. Max begins to whimper. “You’re such a good boy, who knew you were such a slut. There are words for guys who like to be fucked like this. Submissive. Beta. Sissy.”

Max cried out and I knew I’d hit something there. Some dirty secret, some kink. That was interesting. I pull his hips backwards, enjoying how his body responds to being completely full, completely filled with Mommy’s strap on.

“I wonder what else my little sissy has dreamed about. What other naughty things has filled his head up. I wonder what would have been running through your mind when fucked yourself on the bathroom floor.”

“You’re going to make me cum!” Max suddenly grabs his cock and in two tugs has sprayed white cum all over the bed sheets. He trembles, and he falls forward, nearly removing his asshole from the toy.

“Wow. You have no self control at all. I guess I’ll have to teach you that too. We’re not done yet.”

I thrust forward and his hips collapse on to the bed. Lying on top of his prone body, I use my weight to drive the strap on even deeper into his body. Reaching forward, I put my arms around his chest.

The contact of his skin on mine is such a turn on. For a moment I can’t stop myself from leaning and kissing the side of his neck and shoulder.

“I’m going to make you cum again. I’m going to make you cum while I’m fucking you in the ass, for a second time.”

This time, I’m not careful. Pinning him with my full body weight, I thrust into his body hard and fast.

“How does it feel to take Mommy’s cock Max? How does it feel to have me using your ass?” My words have got him tense and I know he’s going to cum again. It’s not going to take long.

I kiss his neck as he whimpers.

“I know it feels good. I know. I’ll fuck you like this any time you like. Any time and we’ll sneak up here and I’ll spread those ass cheeks and give you the pounding you deserve. I bet you’re going to be so gaped and open when we’re done.”

Again, he makes that moan he makes when he’s so turned on he can’t hold back.

“You want that? To have your asshole gaped open for Mommy?”

This time he came with a groan, having his cock fucked on to the bed sheets must have created the right amount of friction. I pull myself out of him. His asshole looks so damn hot slightly opened, but it’s already closing. It’s like I claimed him.

“Sorry Max. No gape for you. Next time.”

He doesn’t move or respond to me, so I stroke his shoulder.

“You can rest. But then you’re changing my bedsheets.”

He turns over, and in that moment I know it’s not going to be the only time we fuck.

“Thank you Mommy.”

These Camgirls Want To Cum

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First Time Pegging Audiobook

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