Reverse Gangbang Story – My Housekeeper Serves My Friends

This reverse gangbang story is inspired by a text roleplay I did when I worked on AdultWork.

My client was a subbie guy loved to serve. I roleplayed the gang of bratty rich girls who used him in every possible way. This story might also get a second part, seeing as Gwendolyn wants a servant of her own.

Let me know if you’d read part two in the comments.

I pass by my housekeeper cleaning the floor of my country home. His dark brown hair is recently cut, his face is sweet and innocent looking with big brown eyes. The way his body moves as he cleans catches my attention every time.

He’s worked for me for nearly a year. When I realised how talented he really is, he began to take on some extra duties.

“Cleoooo. Come back I need you to settle something.”

“Okay, I’m coming.”

I turn to my housekeeper.

“Joe…” I catch his eye and indicate he should follow me.

My three best friends are sat on my biggest sofa. Samantha, the one who had called me had long black hair and bright green eyes.

“Who has the biggest ass, me or Chloe?” Her expression changed as she noticed Joe “Why did you bring your boy in here?”

“Do you think he’s hot?”

Chloe laughed and elbowed Sam. “He’s your type.”

“Yeah. Yeah he’s cute.”

Gwendolyn Myers, with her long ginger hair and soft pale skin gets up from the sofa and looks Joe up and down in the same way a man might examine a stripper.

“Your housekeeper is fuckable Cleo. And we know you’ve tried him out for size. So did you bring him over to show him off?”

Sam and Chloe giggle nervously. They can sense the tension between Gwen and I. She always wants what I have. Today I have Joe. And I intend to show everyone exactly how desirable he is.

“I guess I did. I think he’s going to make all three of my guests cum tonight.”

“I doubt he can manage that Cleo. He doesn’t exactly look experienced.”

“I think he can. He’s a good boy. I’ve trained him really well.” I smirk.

“Is that right? Are you a good boy?” I push Joe on to his knees and he lets it happen.

It’s clear that Joe wants nothing more than to put his mouth on her straight away but he holds back, waiting for permission.

“Yes Ma’am.” He replies, “I am a good boy.”

Gwen rolls her eyes but moves closer and gently lifts her skirt to show off her perfectly shaved pussy.

“You can lick me now. Worship my pussy. Prove you’re a good boy.”

Joe begins to lick her pussy, eyes closed, his tongue working gently on to her clit. Gwen scratches her black manicured nails into his scalp.

“Hm. He’s not bad. He’s not going at it like a thirsty dog anyway.”

“I told you. I trained him. I taught him everything he knows.” There’s more than a little smugness in my voice. Joe. My handsome housekeeper turned whore. You are going to become my favourite possession.

“Cleo doesn’t keep idiots around. Other than Chloe, obviously.” The blonde poked her tongue out at Samantha’s insult. “Let me have a go. Come here boy.”

Sam lay down on the plush sofa, calling the housekeeper over with a curl of her finger. She wriggles out of a black lacy thong and pulls her skirt up to show a neatly trimmed bush. Joe moves to her on his hands and knees, it wasn’t clumsy, it was careful. A submissive, graceful slink.

She spreads her legs for him and I saw she was wet, her pussy lips slick with clear sticky fluid. Joe sighed with pleasure as he got his first taste of her.

“Be gentle Joe. Not too eager to start.” I move closer, keeping my eyes on his technique. “Softly over her clit at first.”

“He just wants to taste me. I don’t blame him. My pussy tastes like honey.”

“It’s not about what tastes good to him.” I pull his hair and push his head lower between Samantha’s legs. Sams eyes grow wider as Joe licks her asshole with the same gentle licks he used on her clit.

“Oh my God. He’s licking my butthole!”

Chloe starts laughing and the other girls join in. I can see Joe’s face turning red as his lips and tongue lap at Sam’s ass.

“Now I know you’ve got him well trained.” Gwen laughs. “I think I want one.”

“They’re a lot of work.” I say, smirking. “But once they’re trained they are definitely worth it.”

“I can’t be bothered to train one. How much would I need to buy a fully trained one from you?”

I can easily tell there’s a hint of seriousness in Gwen’s voice. She’s from old money, and so easily bored. Joe was another thing I owned that she wanted. But in this case, there’s nothing as good as Joe.

“He’s not for sale. For rent, maybe.”

Gwen pouted.

“I didn’t say this particular one. You should train me a housekeeper that’s also a whore.”

“House-whore.” Chloe grinned like she’d come up with the most original name. “I want your house-whore now.”

She practically grabs Joe and pushes his mouth against her cunt while still standing up.

“Stick your tongue out.” Joe did as he was asked and Chloe starts thrusting herself on to his face. “He’ll definitely make me cum if I keep doing this to him.”

There was something so rough and so needy about the way she was fucking his face, Joe on his knees, Chloe grinding her pussy against him with her hips. She pulls his head backwards for a moment to spit in his face, and then continues, rubbing her bald pussy on his tongue.

“Chloe’s violating your toy.” Samantha remarked.

“Don’t worry.” I say, pulling off his pants to show his solid hard-on. “I think he’s getting something out of it.”

Chloe pauses again to spit right down Joe’s throat and he eagerly swallows before she begins using his mouth again.

Gwen holds his heavy cock in one hand.

“He’s not as big as I’d like. When you train me one, I want him bigger than this.”

“Oh, okay. Joe is the perfect size for me. I didn’t plan it that way but it turns out he is. That curve hits me just right.”

“Oh wow, now I’ve got to try that.” Chloe shoves Joe to the ground and I’m honestly shocked at how rough the blonde is being. It’s not the first time we’ve played together but it’s the first time I’ve watched her with a submissive man. It turns out she’s got a serious mean streak.

She climbs on to Joe’s hard cock and begins bouncing herself up and down, her fingers rubbing on her clit.

“Oh fuck. His cock is going to make me cum really fast.”

“That’s quick Chlo. Maybe you don’t want to let everyone know the help made you cream yourself in under a minute.” Sam is straddling Joe’s face as she talks and for a moment, I’m worried he’s not going to show her the attention she deserves.

“Don’t you dare cum in her Joe.” I catch his eye as Sam touches her honey tasting pussy to his mouth and I know he’s not going to disobey me.

Chloe cums, and as with almost everything else, she’s not quiet. Her gasps turn in to little yapping cries and I watch as the muscles in her legs quiver. I notice I’m really turned on and I’ve not even had a go on my own toy yet.

Joe must have avoided his orgasm with raw self-restraint. Chloe was big chested and beautiful with the softest skin. She always struggled with men cumming too quickly. I really have trained him well.

I take off my own skirt, panties and top and take Joe’s cock between my fingers. He’s completely hard and totally slick with Chloe’s juices.

“Ugh, Chloe. You left a mess on him.”

“What, like you’ve never eaten my pussy before?” Chloe was tapped out on the sofa, covered in a blanket. She looked very satisfied.

She made a good point. And besides, I was too turned on to clean him up.

“Okay Joe. You’re not going to cum, okay?”

His mouth was full of Sam’s pussy and I wasn’t expecting a reply. I position his cock underneath me, rubbing the wet head against my slick pussy. I eased him inside me in one motion, not taking my time.

My pussy is wonderfully tight and Joe groans. His control isn’t perfect yet, not by a long shot.

“Don’t you dare cum Joe.”

I purposely set a pace that is extremely likely to make Joe cum. Hard and fast, I pump my tight pussy down on his shaft again and again. I can feel him twitching and he groans again, he sounds desperate. Like I’m betraying him.

“Oh, poor boy. Is it too much? Can’t you control yourself?”

I pull my pussy off his cock and the sound that come out of him is almost like I’ve hurt him.

“Can I fuck him?” Gwen looks eager, despite her comments about Joe’s size.

“Yeah, give him a minute. I don’t want him to cum.”

His slick cock was twitching on his stomach as I run my nails in to his side. Samantha is moaning happily and rocking her pussy backwards and forward on his face.

“Okay Gwen. You can fuck him.”

“I’m going to make him cum.”

“Fine. But you cum first. Those are the rules, he’s not breaking them.”

“Okay, sure.” She straddles him and pushes the slick cock inside her with no hesitation. Her eyes grow wider. “Oh wow, that angle is good.”

She fucks him fast too, and Joe cries out again. Gwen grins at me, she’s taking so much pleasure in testing his control. I get closer to Joe, and whisper in his ear.

“You’re going to shoot your dirty load inside one of the most beautiful and elegant girls I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. If you dare cum before she does, I’m going to make you regret it.”

Joe breathes in, inhaling the scent of Sam and continue to pleasure her as Gwen continues to pump her pussy on his dick. He’s mine. My toy. He’s going to be able to control himself.

Gwen gasps and grinds her clit on his stomach, Joe’s prick fully inside her. She’s cumming, for sure. For a moment, I wonder if she’s going to climb off and leave Joe denied of her pussy and on the edge of orgasm. But after a moment, she gathers herself and artfully, deliberately continues to fuck my housekeeper.

“Okay Joe. You can cum.”

Suddenly, Sam gasps and pulls herself off Joe’s face. She puts her fingers on her clit and finishes, her pussy squirting his face with so much hot clear liquid. His eyes closed, Joe cums instantly, allowing Gwen’s pussy to milk the seed out of his balls.

“Good boy.” I say, noticing he had the self-control not to thrust up into Gwen.

She pulls herself off him, and a flow of sticky cum leaks out of Gwen and over Joe’s cock and balls.

“You’re not going to cum?” asked Chloe. She’s snuggling into Sam, both girls happily satisfied.

“You think I would leave a party without? Come here Joe.”

I pull his mouth on to me, and I know this will be his easiest work of the night. He knows my pussy perfectly well. How to lick my pussy, and how to make me cum harder than any other man I’ve known.

He goes down on me and I cum in under thirty seconds. I am already close, but I’ve taught Joe to be the best oral I’ve ever had by a mile.

I join my girlfriends on the sofa and snuggle in.

“Get cleaned up please Joe. And bring us some lemonade and biscuits.”

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Reverse Gangbang Audiobook

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1 thought on “Reverse Gangbang Story – My Housekeeper Serves My Friends”

  1. Great story, Cleo! Hot but also gentle and cheerful. I love the dynamic of several femdoms sharing a male sub. The affection between the housekeeper and his owner is clear in the midst of their d/s relationship. I want to find out what happens next and if Gwen gets what she wants!

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