First Book Release Date And My Summer Plans

Dearest minions and fellow Goddesses,

Write a book appeared on my bucketlist for the first time in 2014.

Nearly ten years later, I’m going to tick it off.

Since I first dreamed of writing my book, I’ve been a full time camgirl, and then a porn news website owner. I’ve spent several years travelling and working outside my home country. There have also been a few weeks lost to hangovers and love affairs along the way. No regrets.

And now, finally, I’m writing my first proper book. The release date of my first novella will be the 1st September 2023.

The first book of The London Goddess Club series is centred on femdom sex work in London, which in my extremely biased opinion is the most fun city in the whole world. The fashion, culture and BDSM scene in the English capital is something every kink lover should experience.

It’s an excellent backdrop to lose my book virginity to.

I’m also going to be creating the audiobook and releasing it at the same time, so if you’re into my audio work you’ll be able to listen. Whether Amazon and Audible will accept my style remains to be seen, but I’m not going to compromise on the book I want to write. We’ll just have to see where will accept it.

In other news, I managed to get a shout out from porn news website Mike South, and I’m hoping for some coverage from iconic Femdom site Dickie Virgin too.

If you’re looking for a real-life domination session or to buy some fetish clips, is a great place to start looking.

I’m also dreaming up new short stories. I’ve got a vampire scene I’ve been wanting to write for a while that I’m dying to get down on to paper.

This autumn is going to be busy for me. I have a house moved planned in September as well as the book launch and I’ve got a few other projects in the works too.

I can’t wait, but I’m also luxuriating in the calm before the storm. I’ll be getting away from my desk with some self care, walking in the park and the occasional manicure and shopping spree.

If you want to stalk me for new developments, you can find me on Twitter? X? If you click here you’ll find me.

Devotedly yours,

Cleo x x x

These Camgirls Want To Cum

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