Foot fetish, BDSM story cover

Smelly Feet Get You Off?! – A Foot Fetish Story

This one’s for the punk who gave me foot rubs at the rock club

“I guess… I guess I have a foot fetish.” Dameon confessed.

“What do you like about feet?” Rebecca replied curiously.

“I love everything about feet.”

“You’re going to need to do better than that.” Rebecca held her flat palm up, ready to land a spank on his bare ass. The threat made Dameon squirm.

“I love the shape of them. I love how sensitive feet are. Beautiful shoes are so interesting and sexy, the way they lift up the whole body and make a woman look taller and sophisticated. I love giving foot rubs, massaging feet makes me feel useful.”

“Is that all you like about feet?” Rebecca stroked Dameon’s back as she said it, making his body heat up and his cock twitch. Of course there was more.

“I like pedicures, I like the ritual of having the toes painted, and I like how pretty it looks after. I think expensive shoes make feet look like art. The status of high-quality shoes is so powerful it makes me weak.”

Rebecca ran her nails over his red ass, clawing at the damaged skin.

“Looking at women’s feet makes me feel submissive. It makes me want to serve a woman when her feet are pretty.”

The nails clawed deeper, and the pain is sharp.

“Anything else in that perverted brain of yours?”

“I like the way feet smell. I like to worship feet with my mouth.”

Rebecca’s claws turned to strokes. Getting Dameon to confess his kinks was getting to be her new favourite way to play with him. Just when she thought she’d heard everything, he’d hint at something new, and over her knee he’d go.

“It’s not an uncommon fetish. Thank you for sharing your weakness. You’ll be unsurprised to know I’ll be using it against you.”

“I know Mistress.”

“Good boy. Now thank me with that talented mouth of yours.”

Dameon knew that it wouldn’t take long for his devious girlfriend to find a way to exploit his confession. He didn’t realise it would be the same day.

The doorbell rang and Rebecca called through to him. “That’ll be Beth, can you get the door babe?”

Getting up from his computer, Dameon opened the door and Rebecca’s friend Beth stood there, about three inches taller than usual, wearing a mini dress and pair of the sexiest high heeled boots.

They were black in colour, and made of PVC so shiny it might as well be wet. They came up over the knee, with long black laces threaded into silver eyelets, keeping the whole boot tight around her leg. The toes of the boots were smoothed into a triangular point.

Dameon couldn’t look at them without imagining how it would be to lick them. The boots were so gorgeous they were invasive. It was impossible not to look at them. His cock was hard in his trousers immediately. He needed to get it together. They were just a nice pair of boots.

“Hey Beth, you look nice. Come on in.”

The knowing half grin she gave him was everything he needed to tell him that his girlfriend had been gossiping.

Beth came into the living room and sat down on the sofa next to Rebecca.

“Oh wow Beth, nice boots.”

Rebecca gave Dameon a look that made his whole body light up with fear and excitement at the same time. He knew his girlfriend well enough to know there was a plan that he was about to be the victim of.

“Aren’t they nice boots, babe? They really make a statement. I think I should get some boots like these.”

“Hey, thanks honey.” Beth puts a casual arm around her friend. “There are a few downsides to though. I mean yes, they’re gorgeous but the PVC really doesn’t breathe very well. If you wear them for too long they get a bit smelly. Smelly boots. Stinky feet. I’ve come home and made the whole house smell before. It’s not great.”

Beth’s words are said casually but the intent was obvious. Dameon turned away to try and hide the huge bulge growing in his trousers.

“Hey, can you help me get them off?” Beth continued “I’ve come in here with them on and I should really have left them at the door.”

“Yeah, okay, I can help.” It’s so hard to act normal when two beautiful women know your kink and are working together to exploit it.

Dameon knelt down in front of Beth and despite being mesmerised by her boots, he immediately realised she was wearing no panties. Her cute pink pussy was bare under her tiny skirt. It was such a pretty pussy and the shock of seeing something so private and not being ready made his heart race.

“Don’t be shy babe.” Rebecca took his hands and put them on the boots. They were as smooth as he imagined, with that lovely tacky plastic feeling PVC has. Another strong urge to lick them rose up in him.

How perfect would it be, to lick the smooth boots and soft smooth pussy? It was all so close. The scent of the PVC was chemical plastic and Beth’s perfume was like blackberries and champagne.

Dameon mentally steadied his hands and undid the boot laces. One side and then the other. He trembled a little as he made the laces loose and then held the bottom of one boot so Beth could slide her foot out.

She wasn’t lying about the PVC not breathing. Beth pulled her foot out and the scent of the air changed immediately. A strong vinegary foot smell. The sweat was fresh and the smell wasn’t dirty. But it was strong.

“Ugh, Beth, your feet smell terrible!”

Dameon felt a sharp spike of lust for his girlfriend. There was far too much drama in her voice, her friend’s feet didn’t smell that bad. But she wanted him to feel embarrassed and submissive.

“Oh come on, they’re not that bad. Dameon, give them a sniff, they’re not that bad, right?”

Beth offered her sock covered foot to Dameon, and once again, her bare pussy was entirely in his eyeline. His cock leaked in his trousers. He wasn’t sure if he could get any harder than this.

Using one hand, he lifted her heel so the flat of her foot was a few inches from his nose. He inhaled.

“Nah, they’re not that bad.”

“Wow, your sense of smell must be broken. Those feet reek. You’re just not properly sniffing. Here.”

She pushed his face right up against the sole of the foot, pressing his nose against the scented cotton sock and slightly moist foot.

“Okay now really breathe it in.”

Beth giggles as Dameon complies. The scent is much stronger with his nose up against the sock. It’s a long way from being too much but his girlfriend has a point.

“Yeah. They do smell. A bit.”

“Actually, I have a bit of a confession. I walked around in these all afternoon. I actually walked to the shops and back in the heat. That might explain the smell. Actually. I could really use a foot rub.”

Beth took her socks off and placed her warm, slightly damp scented feet on Dameon’s lap, inches away from his hard cock.

“Oh yeah, I love a foot rub. I’d like one too.”

Rebecca slipped off her socks, and put her feet next to Beths, right up against his hard on. Dameon grinned and shook his head.

“You’re both monsters. Gossiping about me behind my back.”

“Are you complaining?” Rebecca smiles back.


“Good. I want you to take your trousers off while you rub our feet.”

How could he deny her? Dameon stripped off and then knelt down. He picked up one of Beth’s smelly feet and rubbed the muscles with his thumbs. Beth sighed happily.

Rebecca, sitting so close to her friend, lifted her right foot and stroked along his hard on with her toes.

“You’re so hard for this. I bet I could make you cum with my toes.”

Dameon was so turned on but he wasn’t sure if his girlfriend was right. The touch of her foot was electric but it was also clumsy. Of course, she wasn’t as used to using them as she was her hands.

He ran his fingers between Beth’s toes, the scent rubbing off on to his fingers. He squeezed the pads of each one, and allowed himself to touch her smooth pedicure. His desire to lick her was incredibly high.

Being able to see her shaved pussy was driving him crazy too.

Rebecca added her second foot, her toes gripping the shaft of his cock. He felt the roughness of the skin of her sole, each toe gently squeezing his cock. With all the control she could manage, she began to move her feet up and down in the most gentle foot job.

Dameon swapped one of Beth’s feet for the other and Rebecca suddenly found a rhythm that made him moan and took away any doubt he had. She could absolutely make him cum with her feet.

“Hey, he really likes that. Can I try?” Beth asked.

“Sure, I want my feet rubbed now anyway.”

The change was wonderfully frustrating. The rhythm was broken and as he rubbed his girlfriend’s feet, Beth’s warmer, fatter toes wrapped around his cock.

The position needed for the foot job opened Beth’s pussy up under her skirt and he could see her cunt wet and spread out. He wanted to cum so much but he was under the control of these women. No orgasms unless they made him cum.

Beth’s warm feet gripped a little too hard on him and didn’t stroke as gently. Despite this, his prick was leaking so much precum and she used her heel to rub it on to the shaft of his cock.

“He’s such a good foot boy. I could have him here all day.” Dameon couldn’t help but whine. The frustration of being so turned on and wondering if he was going to be able to cum was difficult.

Beth leaned over and kissed Rebecca, stopping the foot job entirely. Watching as his girlfriend kissed her friend while both their feet sat in his lap was surely every foot fantasy he’d ever had come true.

Rebecca pulled away from the kiss and murmured to Beth

“I want to see him lick your feet.”

Fuck. There was another level. And even better, his girlfriend returned her feet to his cock and found that perfect rhythm again. He was going to cum with sweat scented feet in his mouth. Those big feet with fat toes and the strong vinegar smell that he’d been adoring, he was going to taste them.

And as he lifted Beth’s feet to his lips and once again saw her exposed pussy, only one lick of her feet sent him over the edge as his girlfriend’s toes worked the seed out of his cock.

The orgasm was truly next level. Powerful enough that Dameon saw stars.

“Wow, only one lick?” He heard Beth saying.

“Looks like it. I guess he must have really liked it.”

“Did you say he was going to take us shoe shopping tomorrow?”

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